
ROYALTEK專業電子雪茄恆溫恆濕櫃 Model: Royaltek 65L HKD 4800 可控溫度範圍:12-22 可控濕度範圍:60-80% Size: 735H x 460W x D540mm 放茄容量: 約350支 製冷方式:半導體 層架材質:雪松木

工作詳情 (招標中) 會員帳戶: whmwong 會員名稱: WHM 買家所在地區: 九龍 旺角 預算: $2000 至 $5000 描述工作: A Product rating / recommendation website (similar idea to open rice) Website requirement A CMS based website Minimum technolo


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Our Advantage: 1)Factory price. 2)High quality with Warranty. 3)Capacity Stock & Arrange the goods quickly. 4)Enjoy good reputation among our customers. 5)Professional and good after sale service.

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Raw Materials: GCr15 Processing Technique: Vacuum hardening Rigidity: HRC62-65 Specification:Ps7100,010,020 Type

Raw Materials: GCr15 Processing Technique: Vacuum hardening Rigidity: HRC62-65 Specification:Ps7100,010,020 Type

Raw Materials: GCr15 Processing Technique: Vacuum hardening Rigidity: HRC62-65 Specification:Ps7100,010,020 Type

Raw Materials: GCr15 Processing Technique: Vacuum hardening Rigidity: HRC62-65 Specification:Ps7100,010,020 Type
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